Fall in love with your skin all over again!
Fall in love with your skin all over again!
Zinamax ingredients:
Improve the skin's condition
Purify the skin
Reduce sebum
Soothe inflammation
Reduce the appearance of blemishes
How does Zinamax impact your skin?
The product is formulated with the highest quality ingredients, which means that
you will notice a significant improvement in your skin's appearance after just the first month of using Zinamax!
Lactoferrin - an effective ingredient against acne
Zinamax contains lactoferrin, which has been shown to have a positive effect on inflammatory changes caused by acne. It is a multipotent protein with extraordinary properties because it has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antiparasitic properties.
The effectiveness of lactoferrin was confirmed in a clinical study* conducted on subjects aged 18-30 years. They were randomly divided into two groups, one of which consumed fermented milk with 200 mg of lactoferrin, while the other consumed milk without lactoferrin.